
You can still get the “Ruby Fortnite Skin” Pack for free


Fortnite has welcomed back the Ruby Fortnite Skin Pack, also known as Street Shadows Challenge Pack. Because it was free, the pack was extremely popular. Ruby Fortnite Skin Pack gives Ruby, the crimson-themed Ruby, a dark twist.

Players are now wondering if they can get it again for free, since it is back in the item shop. This would only be possible if it was gifted to a friend.

The Battle Royale was first introduced the Ruby Fortnite Skin Pack in May 2021. After completing a series of challenges, PC players could get this pack for free.

It was at the bottom in the item shop and could be obtained by anyone who played on a PC. Console players could log in to their PCs and claim the pack. They could then use it on Fortnite console accounts.

This pack was no longer available for free after June 17. The Ruby Fortnite Skin Pack is now available in the Shop, but it has a price. To purchase it or give it away, players will need to spend 1500 V-Bucks.

The original tweet regarding the Ruby Fortnite Skin Pack shows that players will receive the ruby tuesday menu Shadows outfit and Blackout Bag back bling. Also, the Shadow Slicer harvesting tool and the Sky Shadow glider.

You may have followed the tweet thread that was posted when Fortnite’s item shop was announced. Some fans were not happy with the news and called Epic Games to complain about the re-release.

Are you expressing anger at Epic Games about the Ruby Fortnite Skin Pack? It could be. Cosmetic collectors and players take pride in their collections. Epic Games is diluting their efforts by reselling skincare cosmetics. Epic Games is reducing exclusivity, which is a key part of gaming. Those who originally got it feel unfairly disadvantaged.

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How to Unlock the Ruby Shadows Fortnite Skin for Free?

  • Fortnite’s most recent update added a new skin, Ruby Shadows.
  • This skin is part of the free ‘Street Shadows Challenge Pack,’ which is also available for free.
  • It is currently only available for PC players. However, it is possible to unlock the console version of this feature.
  • Here’s how you can get the Ruby Shadows cosmetics and skin for free on Xbox One and PS4, Switch, Mobile and Xbox Series X.

Unlock the Shadows Skin for Free on Console and Mobile?

First, you’ll need Fortnite installed on your computer. You can use any laptop, tablet or desktop that runs the PC version of Fortnite. You don’t need to be an expert computer user in order to access the game menus.

Install the Epic Games Store Launcher and download it to your device. After installing Fortnite, you can login to your Epic Games account.

Start Fortnite and go to the store. Scroll down to section ‘Limited Time,’ and choose the Stree Shadows Challenge Pack.

The cost of this pack is approximately PS0.00. You can claim the pack by following the instructions.

There’s more! To unlock the Ruby Shadows skin, you must complete a series of challenges.

You can now jump on any console you like and the challenges will be linked to your account. This means you don’t have to finish them on PC.

Four quests will be assigned to you, which will provide four homemade cosmetics including the Ruby Shadows skin.

  • Play with your friends (0/5) – Rewards the Blackout Bag Back Bling
  • Outlast Opponents (0/500), – Sky Shadow gliders are rewarded
  • Deal damage to your opponents (0/1,000). – Rewards the Shadow Slicer Pickaxe
  • Complete Ruby Shadows Quests (0/3) to earn the Ruby Shadows skin
  • This can be done in a matter of minutes with Team Rumble, or regular Battle Royale.
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